Working Together Towards Your Financial Goals-Part 1

What does strategic advisory and money coaching mean? It's education based on your circumstances on your timeline in a way that you can understand and use in your best life!

The important question to consider when working with a financial adviser is: How do we begin to work together to achieve your goals?

First, we Identify Your Pain Points, with simple questioning:

  1. Am I doing enough?

  2. Can I retire

  3. RSP or TFSA?

We use a combination of Q & A pre-work - an in depth interview to determine the biggest issues to tackle. We then recommend individual strategy sessions, bootcamp, or group sessions.

Second, we create an Action Plan:

Once we determine what is most important to you, and what we think will be most beneficial, we can work the plan. Goal posts are identified in our plans, and discussed in our calls.

What happens next? Part 2 of Working Together Towards Your Financial Goals is coming soon!


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